Embrace the Power of Community: Terminus BBS
As a professional in various industries, I have come across many communication strategies. However, one that has stood the test of time is the Miller’s Rule of 7. This rule is a formula for effective communication that has been used for decades and is still relevant today.
The Miller’s Rule of 7 states that a person can only hold 7 (plus or minus 2) pieces of information in their short-term memory at any given time. This means that when communicating with others, it is important to keep the information concise and to the point. If you overload someone with too much information, they are likely to forget most of it.
To apply the Miller’s Rule of 7 in your communication, you need to break down your message into smaller chunks of information. This can be achieved by using bullet points, subheadings, or short sentences. By doing this, you make it easier for the recipient to understand and remember the information.
Another way to apply the Miller’s Rule of 7 is to use visuals. Visuals such as graphs, charts, and images can help to convey complex information in a simple and easy-to-understand way. This is because visuals are processed differently in the brain and can be remembered more easily than text.
In conclusion, the Miller’s Rule of 7 is a timeless formula for effective communication. By keeping your message concise, breaking it down into smaller chunks, and using visuals, you can ensure that your message is understood and remembered by your audience. So, the next time you communicate with someone, remember the Miller’s Rule of 7 and make your message count.
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